How a Diamond Setter Sets a Bust Down Rolex Watch

A ap bust down watch watch is a completely iced out Rolex, Audemars Piguet, or Patek Philippe timepiece that has been encrusted with high-grade diamonds. These are usually custom-built watches and require incredible craftsmanship by a skilled diamond setter.

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The first step is to carefully disassemble the watch and then create settings onto the metal pieces where the gems would go. This is done using a specialized metal digging tool that is only used by highly trained and experienced diamond setters.

Once the watch is ready, the stones will be inserted. These are then securely fastened onto the piece with jewels.

There are several styles of setting that are available, and the two most popular are the chandelier style with baguettes and the flower style (also called a micro-pave setting). The former makes it look like the entire watch is covered with baguettes, while the latter essentially makes the watch devoid of any metal from the surface view.

The flowers have been around for quite a while, and they are still one of the most popular and desirable settings. They are similar to the chandelier style with baguettes, but they put the diamonds in a honeycomb formation instead of putting them in rows as in the previous styles.

Regardless of the setting, a bust down rolex watch is always a showpiece and should be appreciated by those who have the money to purchase it. It is also a great way to express your individuality with your watch and jewelry, as it can be very unique.