Sell Jewelry at Pawn Shop
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Sell Jewelry at Pawn Shop

A lot of people turn to pawn shops for jewelry, and if you have a piece that you no longer wear or aren’t in love with anymore, it may seem like a quick way to get cash. However, pawn shops have high operating costs and rely on margins to stay in business, so they’re not likely to give you the best price for your jewelry. Find out

The most common reasons to sell jewelry at a pawn shop are because you need the money urgently, or you want to upgrade to something better. People also pawn jewelry when they inherit pieces from relatives or receive gifts that don’t suit their personal style.

Affordable Pawn Shops: Deals and Savings

If you’re considering selling jewelry to a pawn shop, be sure to research the shop and its reputation in the community. Read customer reviews and speak to locals for recommendations. Additionally, check out the jewelry store’s website to find out more about their buying policies and prices for various items.

Jewelry stores are more likely to offer higher prices for your jewelry than pawn shops, since they have expert staff and are specialists in this type of merchandise. They can also test your jewelry to make sure it’s real (checking for metal markings, a magnet test and the weight of the piece) and to provide you with fair appraisals. Real precious stones are always more valuable than costume jewelry. This is one of the main reasons to sell your jewelry to a jeweler rather than to a pawn shop.